i knew it'd be a great flight when i walked on board and coldplay was playing, following colbie caillat. good stuff. i was lucky enough to get the two-people seater on the outside of the isle. funny story...i'm a popular girl, as two men fought over sitting next to me. too bad they were old and balding; apparently one of them wasn't able to read his ticket stub - i just thought i was popular. humbling moment. haha.
for those of you who are unaware, i have been looking for a traveling gnome to take with me all over. however, with no luck, i sufficed with a traveling YODA. and he's pretty pimp. below are some pictures of our adventures on the plane.

the ones on the bottom are the stewardesses. they were nice enough to participate. i had to control yoda, though, b/c he managed to find the heineken...and star war figurines and alcohol DO NOT mix.
the flight went smoothly as can be expected, though. tiny children attempted to make me lose my mind, and one almost succeeded as i thought about what it'd feel like to open the tiny window and throw him out. but, nonetheless, we made it safely to amsterdam...where i found the following:

once we arrived at prague, we went for our luggage. where...mind did not show up. this wasn't a good thing, you see, as i packed all my winter clothing one one bag, and all my shorts and tees and bathroom entities in the other. now ya see, my winter clothing arrived just safe and sound. only problem - apparently there is a HEAT fest going on here as it is like 90 degrees. so we called and bugged the baggage claim people until finally it arrived late into the evening. and miraculously enough, as i went outside to go and wait for them to bring it, the guy was standing there waiting on me. halleuljah! so, needless to say, all is right with the world and i can officially start my journey!
ah. an important event i somehow forgot to mention. since i am not a fan of airport food, i didn't eat much on the plane but what yoda found me (not the heineken...he found candy, too. ha) for some odd reason, i was craving italian food. i dont know why. i just knew i didn't want potatoes and goolash or whatever. so, we found a little italian joint not too far off. oh boy howdy. they do not like americans i tell ya. i can understand, i reckon, b/c we sound like a bunch of idiots trying to pronounce their language that they obviously want no one else to learn as it is impossible unless you are taught from birth, but the looks we received were quite interesting. i thought about spaghetti...but i went with the pizza. PEPPERONI pizza. i asked her if she knew what that was and she shook her head with certainty. i felt confident. and then she brought out this:

i about had a cow when i saw this. i shook my head, and tried to confirm to the waitress that that SO was not what i ordered. she said yes, PEPPERS. umm...wow. for anyone who knows me, you are fully aware of my discontentment with anything remotely spicy. (joppa knows this best, as they all love spicy...and i failed as a spicy employee) it's just not my jam. i'm incapable of expanding my pallet to the spicy side of the world. i convince myself, or my taste buds, rather, that i am too spicy to begin with. ha. no, but seriously...this was not cool. she took it away and i tried to convince her that i wanted MEAT pepperoni, all to bring it back saying i couldn't exchange it. fifteen bucks for a meal i did not eat. faaaantastic. such is life in a foreign country!
afterwards we came home and got settled in. i also forgot to mention the time we had trying to find our apartment. there we were...walking around lugging our 50 pound luggage behind us trying to find the one place that could remotely console our aching bodies. after multiple attempts to say "mulvete anglisky" (do you speak english), and multiple rejections, sara finally found someone who could point us in the right direction. it is a pretty secure little joint. you have to unlock two doors to even get to our apartment door (which is 4 flights up), then double unlock our apartment door. our apartment is fairly nice, actually. i slept so hard you could have run me over with a bulldozer, sold my body to india, and sat me next to osama and i still would have been out.
we just went and ate our first czech meal at a little place around the corner. it is funny i tell ya - they drink beer like italians drink wine and americans drink coffee. at one particular table, a man was sitting all by himself, and three other men went and took over the other side of his table and just went about their business. i thought to myself how unheard of that would be in america. to just go to someone's table and take over with your friends. ha. good times. anyhow, we somehow managed to order potatoes and chicken. i had to ask the waitress three times for ketchup, until she finally brought me a lousy excuse of czech republic ketchup...now i know to take my ketchup with me everywhere i go! for some reason, i keep trying to speak spanish to these people, in hopes one of them might particularly know it. i fail, of course, as they stare at me with even more amusement. but i try. being over here makes me excited to go back to ITALIA!
our third roommate tyler comes in later on today, and after he gets settled in we are going to go to the supermarket and stock up the house. i think czech food is nice and all, but i'm fairly certain i could and will probably live off of peanut butter and jelly and apples. hello slim fast! haha. as long as i have coca lite in my life, things are going to go superbly!
we start school on monday, and meet with the main guy tomorrow to pay off the rest of our school. remind me to write that off of my taxes. holy mackarol. i am so ready to get things started going. we live in prague 5, and the main part, or castle-esque, part of prague is in prague 1. so hopefully we can go and i can take some sweet lookin' pics!
miss you all and hope this finds you well!
much love,
1 comment:
Your Yoda pictures are sweet! You did want you said you would do and took a picture in the aisle...
hilarious! When I saw the picture of Coca-lite I literally screamed! Drink some for me!!
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