explanation #1: we miss american food. like seriously... we miss it. ha. so, we thought we'd see if we could get dominoes to deliver via skype. good times. i couldn't quit laughing...ha. pay close attention to the girl on the other line...not the brightest crayola in the bunch...
explanation #2: i thought it'd be fun to roll down the hill...and relive the days of my youth. end result: i'm not as smooth as i thought.
explanation #2: i came across a priest rapper dude. it was bizarre. very bizarre. take a listen. (make note of the little recorder player - elementary music did him well!)
we decided today we would tackle the city again, so the following are details/pics from the way today went!
here is yoda, ewen, and me on the way to our adventure (sara is behind the camera)

but i needed a drink from my AMAZING water bottle (mom...send some more)

(ewen was just as excited as i was to have my water bottle!)
today we went and climbed petrin hill... i think that's what it is called. i could be wrong - that is capable every once in a while... rarely, but possible. it was a lovely little climb up the hill to get there, and then 300 steps up the little mini-eiffel tower, that looked something like this:

once we saw this...we decided we would attempt to climb it. all 299 steps. during the midst of the battle, i thought i was getting dizzy b/c everything was moving; all to discover that it was actually moving with all the people going in and out of it. not cool. the view, though, was unreal. and here are several pics of mine and yoda's experience while we were up there....

yoda is on my shoulder pimpin it up. what a little cutie.

afterwards we roamed around the gardens and i met a nice nun named damarisa or something to that affect. she was a sweet gal...except...after taking a picture with yoda and me...yoda's hand went missing.

i am unaware if she was the actual theif, but... i cannot imagine where his little ole' hand would have fallen off otherwise. so this is the last known picture of yoda with both hands... bless his tiny green heart! and there she is just walking away... possibly with a valuable piece of my boi yoda.
now, realizing that a piece of my yoda was missing, we went and roamed the gardens... in attempt to find the little green fingers. and mom, i wanted to pick all the roses and send them to you. however... after much contemplation, i thought that this would result in getting arrested for trespassing...and then i wouldn't be able to send you the flowers anyway and i'd be in jail. and that wouldn't get us anywhere. humph. so. i took a picture of one, and then of ewen looking at one...

it was quite beautiful - and a wonderful work out! maw - my cute little payless van shoes are dying. i am literally nearing the stage of walking a hole in my sole (of my shoe, not my soul-soul). so, from now on until then - i plan on walking in just them. it will be something to say i've walked a hole in my sole. i don't know why... i just want to. on the way back, we came across the ugliest dog i have possibly ever seen in my entire life. poor little fellah/or fellette. here it was:

told you - it was hideous looking. ha. made me miss ole' petey. give him lovin' for me mom. the dogs here just aren't up to par. i say "ciao pes" to all the dogs here - which is hello doggie...i think?!?! all the pet owners look at me like i'm a stupid american, but the dogs deserve some american loving. speaking of animals, i forgot to mention that as we went through the pet store yesterday, i taught a czech bird english! HOW ABOUT THAT?! he could say 'ahoy!' (which is hello in czech), and i taught him to say 'HELLO'! so if everything else falls apart, i will have accomplished that!
on another note, we went home shortly after our 6 hour walk/climb fest and i watched the prestige. and now am writing to you all. we have to memorize czech for our all-czech lesson tomorrow. there is nothing like having a teacher come in and speaking nothing but czech for an hour and a half. it is insane. a lifetime experience, no doubt.
okay, i should close and get to bed. we don't have to be at school until 1 so i get to sleep a bit. bring on the lunesta! :)
much love from the csesky republiky,

OH: two things i forgot to mention:
1. we got another roommate. yes, we are like the REAL WORLD PRAGUE. he is a real georgian boy if i've ever met one. he and i get along spectacular, though, and he is freakin hilarious (he is the one in the video at the top calling skype). so yes, now we have two atlantans, two texans, and a scottish lad. and yoda. without a right hand.
2. i think we might go to budapest next weekend. we found some cheap bus tickets and thought why not?! so, look for pics/updates sometime from that. ciao now!
1 comment:
Nice skype call. That guy definitely sounds Georgian. Looks like fun!!!
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