watch before you read. mm mm mm. la di da.
yesterday was superb. first - i slept in. yep. until 11:16 and 29 seconds. my eyes opened immediately afterwards. i decided i would eat the rest of my subway sandwich...but our refrigerator here is odd and likes to randomly shower it's contents with an unheard of amount of it was soaked. boo. the only decent food... a goner. ha. sara had a lesson so after she got back we went and wandered like the nomads we are. the title of this blog should explain it all - when peeing was free. i had to pay like 50 cents to use the restroom facilities...and then more if i wanted to use toilet paper. pretty cool, 'eh? oh how much i miss open restrooms and REFILLS!! good gracious i'd like a free refill just once. ha. on another note...i went and got my pictures developed and stamps so i can send them as postcards. i am creative i tell ya. actually, i'm just cheap... and don't want to spend money on other peoples pictures. ha. so. if you would like a kami-original, please click HERE for my e-mail and you shall receive one. yep. you shall. if i have enough stamps. i only bought 15, as they were extremely pricey... so, first come first serve, i reckon.
as we were walking through the center, we came across this wedding that had just taken place. i took a few pics, but i could only imagine how amazing their pictures were going to be...being in the middle square of prague and all. take a look.

we came across this jazz group that was playing. now - look here you st. stephen celebration singers...they sang glory, glory, hallelujah! half in czech and half in english...and i recorded it just for you. hopefully you have already seen it, as it is at the very top! it was AWESOME! :)
we walked around quite a bit, until we wondered upon a photography gallery displaying the famous works of Ladislav Bielik - the photographer who captured the infamous picture of the bare-chested man standing in front of the tank at the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia; basically emulating the highest form a resistance against the russians - by far, the coolest gallery i've ever been to. i could have stayed in there for days. here are a few pics of the highlights throughout the day...and then my YODA extravaganza! czech 'em:


1. MOM - i found a Wall-E poster! but they call it VALL-I. i thought of you mom!!
2. starbucks gets me through...mmm.
3. i thought this was interesting graffiti! ha. (close your eyes you conservatives!!)
and more.


1. yoda's first metro ride.
2. yoda took over sara's coffee. no, seriously - he made her give it to him. then the rest of the day he kept trying to use his powers on the czechs. apparently the don't get star wars humor b/c they kept looking at him funny.
3. yoda and me chillin' in the coffee shop. we tight.

1. yoda was trying to talk to the ducks. he got really upset that they didn't respond and couldn't understand how place mats at chinese restaurants weren't made to converse. bless his lil' ole' heart.
2. yoda wanted his picture taken at the metro station on the way home. he told me he wanted to capture the essence of the moment.
later that evening we decided we would go out dancing. oh what an experience that was. these czechs...they don't mess around, i tell ya. it was a five-story club by the river. one floor had rap, one floor had techno, and so on and so on. dancing was fun, though. i did hear the worst pick-up line ever, though. i would post it, but it would undoubtedly repel you all. i found it humorous, though. he kept stealing my hat, as well. he was a frenchman. ohh those frenchmen! at around 4 we decided we would attempt to go home...and on route i got my be-hind slapped and blown a kiss by a boy who looked to be about 15. i would have socked him, but he couldn't even grow peach fuzz above his lip, so i didn't see it worth it. he slapped an american behind. way to go kiddo.
after finding the right tram route, we ended at home... smelling like a czech club and sleeping until noon. today we lounged around and hung out most of the day. and now i am here. sittin' in the living room waiting for the tylenol pm to come into affect.
i miss you all mucho,
1 comment:
Oh Europe & their pay as you go annoying. You'd think they'd want to provide refills so people would have to go PAY to use the restroom huh?
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