today we had the chance to go to the center of prague, where all the castles are. we didn't really have much time to get lost and see everything, so i plan on doing that probably sometime this weekend, as during this next week school will start and i'll be awfully busy. it was fun, though. it's amazing how many american restaurants we've seen: mcdonald's, subway, hotdog stands (of
which we ate dinner tonight!!!), and TGI Friday's. interesting i thought.
anyhow, i don't know much but that i'm awfully tired and we are meeting the main admissions guy tomorrow in the afternoon! until next post, enjoy these few pics!

( this is the window view from my room. kinda looks like miami vice...)
i will post more once i have a chance to get lost in the middle of prague.
until then my people, until then.
much love,
1 comment:
Glad to see you made it there safely. It was great seeing you at the airport, but sorry we couldn't chat longer. My little traveling buddy did great!
Take care and keep in touch,
I love your pics
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