hey guys and gals! my apologies on the delay again... it's been a crazy hectic week. i will get into more details later, but i wanted to share these pictures from sunday that we took.

this is my new best friend richie. i ALMOST ALMOST stole him from this poor old lady. oh man he was so cute!! (no worries petey, he had nothing on you... except really soft fur)

i think the local metro riders were NOT a fan of me. they kept staring at me and giving be dirty looks. i even more enjoyed it b/c of that factor. i have about 20 pictures like this. FANTASTIC!

i still hate escalators. but i love starbucks. somedays, when all i have to eat is peanut butter and jelly... i go to this starbucks, and i think of home and how the food in america is much better. but that the frappicino i got will suffice me until i return to good food land.

a two person bike. HOLY MANOLY i almost stole it!!

this is the municiple court - it is where all the orchestras go and play. i almost went to hear gershwin the other day, but it was too expensive. darn the luck.

this is at namesti republiky. i probably spelt that wrong, but i'm too lazy to go look it up. anyhow, it is a national geographic exhibition. i look at them like every other day. i am just fascinated. these pictures are absolutely ABSOLUTELY amazing. i could stare at them for hours. this is why i want to work for national geographic!! one day! one day!

this was FUN. i have been eyeing the bottom pilot mask for like three weeks, and finally went and tried them on. the top is of an old air force mask. just call me buzz light year, y'all!

these pics below should be presidential slogans!

1. We all realized that we all bring out the best in each other, so why would you want to stop?

KAM!!! A BOOK IN CZECH ABOUT ME. so awesome!

this is actually a book. how pathetic. i suppose anyone can write a book!

the leaning tower of treeza... hahahaha.

they don't mess around with these marionettes. freakin weird.



a.pinocchio was greeting all of the tourists walking by. he was a swell dancer, he was!
b. they have those russian dolls all over the place. freaks me out!
c. i wanted to buy this shirt in bulk, but i couldn't afford it, and it didn't have SHE instead of HE.

prague. oh yes. bridges, trams, coca lites and policie. can't get enough of 'em.

they don't mess around with their graffiti! they go big or go home! let's do this in amarillo!

this is a monument dedicated to the students who were clubbed to death by the police. it was a pretty intense monument for sure.
alright. so it has been a crazy last week. sara and i have come up against several obstacles with our job searching. we have been continually mislead by the school we are at. the "job guidance coordinator" hasn't even been here for half of our course, and pretty much fed us continual lies to get our money. sara and i are now at the end of our course, finding out that our certificate is basically ONLY valid in eastern europe. which is NOT italy or spain..or france or anywhere where we told him we wanted to go. there isn't much we can do now, though, as we are at the end of the course and tomorrow is our final exam(s). so instead of complaining about how pissed off i am that our resources here suck and that the main guy is the most convincing liar i've ever met... i'm just going to ask for prayers that sara and i find a good job wherever we need to go. even though i cannot wait to NOT recommend this place to everyone i speak with. which, in itself, is unfortunate b/c the teaching was superb, but the resources and higher-up people were awful. a shame. a shame.
also, i just thought you'd like to see the amount of stairs we climb every day (like 4 times a day) to get to our classroom. oh yes. every. single. day.

i don't know much else, other than to just ask for prayer that Jesus puts us where we need to go, in a sweet place where i won't have to eat pb and j every day. i think since italy and spain are out of the question, we are headed to look at japan or thailand. hopefully once we score a secure job, i can RETAKE the CORRECT course and go back to italy/spain the following year. but in the mean time, we just need a job! haha.
alrighty. i miss you all and hope this finds you boomingly well!

there's a picture of my feet to tide you over! :)
-kami :)
1 comment:
that sucks about the liars! I hope you guys get good jobs somewhere that you enjoy!
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