it was a week of firsts for sure. first time to learn czech, first time to eat disgusting DISGUSTING goolash or however you spell it ...should just be spelt like ga-ross. (like guh-rose). my mother informed me of how super proud she was of my punctuation and capitalization on my blog. i think knowing it bugs her...makes lowercasing everything that much FUNNER. (hahahaha... 'more fun').
anyhow. first time teach an english lesson to a foreign student....or, to a czech student. first time to see prague and the castles. first time to live with a musician, a scottish man with a killer accent...who only brought 3 t-shirts with him...(seriously...couldn't/wouldn't/shouldn't do it!!). tonight i had the privilege of playing in a 3-on-3 basketball game. i dont know if it's all czechs...but these czechs sucked at ball. i was like you have got to be kidding me. my scottish roommate ewen (u-win) and i played with them. now, granted, he sucked too. but it was quite interesting being a part of that group. i felt like i was watching the special olympics...it was fun, though. i think i will go to the supermarket and buy a basketball tomorrow. we have a bball court outside our flat, and it would be fun to shoot and beat all the czechs. perhaps i can bet them and then steal their money with my mad skills. it's only fair...they took my money today at lunch.
this whole food thing here blows. it just sucks a big one. when i see spaghetti...i think of spaghetti...you know...pasta and sauce. their spaghetti...noodles and a pile of spinach with quail eggs. are ya kiddin me? seriously. i almost threw up in my mouth. so i ate bread. yep. i got to pay 13 bucks for a meal i didn't eat. at least i got a coca lite. i did, however, find a SUBWAY on the way home and devoured into one of their turkey and cheese sandwiches; which, might i add...is much better than the ones in the states. one point for czech. too bad the rest of the food here blows. i was on such a roll...ha.
after class today i had my first meeting with Josef (YO-SEF)...or "joe." and throughout our conversation, i found out that he plays soccer every single night, loves traveling as much as i do, and doesn't believe in God. seriously. what a bummer it is to find out that ALL these czech's are missin' the sweet love of hey-sus. i'm hoping that throughout my time with them, i can shed some of the light of Jesus to them; that if nothing else they can sense something different about me that they want to have (and not just my lovely ralph lauren scent). haha.
tomorrow i plan on going and printing off some of my pictures and mailing them as postcards. neat-o 'eh? i know, i know. we have the day off! YEA BOI. actually, the school is open in the morning if we want to work on our lesson plans. luckily for me...i am a procrastinator...so i don't need to go this early. that'd be weird. haha. my mom just keeps getting prouder and prouder of me, i'm sure. ha. speaking of, christopher norton - my mother informed me you were one of the 6 finalists? what is this world coming to? your competition must blow. hahahaha. i tease, i tease. congratu-freakin-lations. that's fantastic. i will inform the czechs and we will throw a party when you win. i will also somehow talk to the czech papers and have them write a story about you. be looking for a long-distance call in the next few days...and get a translator. i will give you a heads up:
hello - "dobry-den"
that's about all i got on the czech language. it is not cool. it hates americans...as do most czechs. today we almost got eaten alive by a mean waiter. then he asked where we were from and i told him Texas and all of a sudden he was our friend. everyone loves a texan. :)
alrighty, i miss you all and love you to the moon and back...and maybe even to jupiter...which was a planet when i was your age.
ciao people,

this is my "if i don't get a freaking decent meal i'm going to jump off this building face." :)
Kami you may just be pickier than I am but...that food sounds gross. I'm a very picky eater - at least there's subway & McDs right?
I understand, totally. The other day, we were just talking about how disgusting not only the name goolash sounds but how disgusting it really is! What about desserts? Surely there's something decent out there.
Your pics are amazing! They look like they're out of a book!
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