first thing's first: pictures of the last few days!
test preparation method:

red bull, apple, and coca lite. this is the way of a champion!
i've developed an odd habit of stalking old people to take their picture. they are just the cutest little things ever. maybe it's b/c i miss all my oldies in the choir... who knows? anyway, here are a few pictures of oldies for you.

this lady is so cute. i wanted to go hug her. but czechs don't like to be touched. or smiled at. or said hello to.

this old man was a cutie, also. he had a striped little cane that reminded me of Christmas.
friday we had our final exam(s). one was on grammar and one was on methodology. i'm pretty excited that i studied for hours material that wasn't on the test. (insert sarcasm) but if anyone needs to know the 6 types of pronouns...i know them all. ha. on another note, here are the rest of the pichas.

this chocolate egg knew czech, english, and how to give a thumbs up.

APPLE STROODLE! i didn't eat anything all day, and if you cannot tell from the expression on my face - i was pumped up about this baby! it was delectable, too. they said it came with 'ice cream' but a tiny little miniature spoon full was all i received. i think the chef ate the other half.

my brit and aussie. they are the best!

my teacher olga. she is probably the shyest person i've ever met in my entire life. i think i scared the crap out of her with my outgoing-ness. but she smiled even still for the camera! much love olga!

my aussie. this is marek. he and i fought like a couple that'd been married for 25 years. but he loved it. :)

sara and i with our favorite englishman, dan.
this is william. he's from connecticut.
this is andrew. orneriness runs in our veins! he and i were like two peas in a pod (what an idiom!). we were the entire class. (sorry classmates... you know we were the charisma that made that class what it was.)
okay. so there are just a few pictures from the last outing we all had as a group. it was actually a great evening. i forgot to mention that there were only 4 girls in my class and 9 guys. hence, all the pictures with the guys. haha. it was great. guys are much much better than girls! ha.
on another note, we are sending out resumes to asia like crazy. we've heard back from a few of them, but it is still up in the air. please keep praying that we go where the Lord wants us to go. tonight all our roomies move out! hallelujah! hahahaha. guys are great and all, but living with them was an experience to me. it will be nice not to have people eat my food. haha. sara and i are looking forward to the peace and quiet these next few days will bring. (amongst the frantic collaboration of forwarding email resumes and contracts)
i don't know much else. tonight we are going to go hang out with will. (the crouching tiger guy in the picture) he has been living in prague for a year. i'm not sure what we are going to do, but it'll be fun. life is never dull when i am around. haha.
much love from praha,