and this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship... with myself... and korea.
korea does things big time. (this is for show... i do not even like coffee....however, if this puppy was actually filled with sonic diet dr. pepper.. i think it'd faint and drink the entire thing)
the elderly do not retire. instead, they find it in their right mind to walk with 100's of pounds of trash or whatever they can find and wheel it on the streets. it's quite amazing, actually. kudos cute korean lady. kudos!
the second picture is right outside of the hansan hotel - where sara and i stayed the first few days we were here. it kind of looks like an old film camera picture quality. guess that's what i get for drinking that huge cup of coffee. wait, what?
so this sunday sara and i had planned to visit hansan island. we'd heard it was beautiful, so we were awfully excited to get to visit. we invited one of our directors (sara1) to come with us. however, sunday at 1 she showed up saying that we were all invited to eat dinner at a cabin of one of our students on another island. so... how could we resist? now. direct eyes downward for pictures to follow event.
we don't have these sights in texas. nope, not like this. (no worries my texan loves, they don't beat our sunsets here, either)
this picture instilled in me a heavy desire to scream out 'WADE IN THE WATER CHILDREN..." LA LA
everyone now... .
waaade in the water. waaade in the water children. waaaade in the water. lala
the dogs hang out on rooftops here. most likely escaping becoming dinner. no worries, we had pork and beef. ha. i did name this dog sally jessie. and said a few prayers for it's livelihood.

this was our deluxe meal! the koreans go ALL out. spent like $150 one ONE meal. ONE meal. a ton of pork (galbi ---which i looooove), beef (which is super expensive since it's hard to find), shrimp, clams, fish...etc. all for us. pretty neat that people we don't know would go out of their way for us like that. they asked us what our favorite meals were back home, so i said grilled chicken and mashed potatoes with ketchup - and they are going to make that for us next time we visit. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?! friggin' saweeet!
we found an abandoned boat. i had to convince the children to be courageous and fearless (big vocab words for them) and to take the journey with me and be my crew mates. then we decided to jump victoriously. actually, i wanted to jump and they were easily convinced. haha. i love these kids. we have a great time together. they have my heart. it belongs to them solely. i look forward each day to go to work and to see their faces. i think that is why i want to do be so much fun for them - b/c most of them go to school every night until 10 or 11 then wake up and repeat the routine, so when we get them, they are so sleepy and agitated... i just know i'd want to have someone who had some fun with me, so i do the best i can. they are pieces of work, though. an odd feeling i have when i realize i hold the future of korea in my hands... they are smarter than me most of them. ha. one of my favorite students is TOM. now. tom told me this the other day:
"kami teacher. when you speak korean to us, although it is superb in dialect and tonality, you aren't really supposed to are you? (then makes an 'X' with his arms - which signals the NO statement) but if we promise not to tell anyone, can you keep doing it anyhow? i love your korean accent."
that boy would do circles around the other 2nd graders in the states. all these kids would. the are incredible.
in other news. i think i received a concussion yesterday by bonking my head on the friggin' car door. i decided throughout that experience that my clumsiness and clutziness is a direct result of my overwhelming sarcastic nature. it's punishment. but the ache is gone in my head, and now my shoulders and neck will heal eventually, so i think it's worth it to be sarcastic. i work with probably the only sarcastic korean i will ever meet. her name is sharon and she is a hoot. did i mention how great my co-workers are?
AND THANKSGIVING. THANKSGIVINg. THANKS-GIVING. is next thursday. so we are all coming together (all the foreigners) and going to create an american thanksgiving in korea, welcoming the feast of food that will most undoubtedly be there. i might even try to cook something. operative word - try. :)
that's all i know. i gotta get ready to run some errands before work. sara is officially in her apartamento so we are both finally feeling what it's like to have our own space and really become a local. life is good. i am lucky.
miss all my texans,
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