Thursday, November 27, 2008

thanksgiving in korea.

happy day of thanks my friends. happy thanksgiving! 

this is my favorite class. they are 6/7/8 year olds. they are brilliant. we wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving back home! 

and this is tom - my genius i'm always talking about. he is a hoot. a pure genius. this is the future of korea, and he calls me "silly kami teacher".

NOW. we all know that thanksgiving is an americanized holiday, so korea doesn't celebrate it. but when i told my director it was thanksgiving and we'd usually be stuffing our faces, she went and bought sara and i some fried chicken (with ketchup for me) and pepsi cola. it was awesome. here is the before and after. 

even ruby got in on the action. do you SEE the smile on my face? i was thrilled. fried chicken. ahhh. no rice! just fried chicken and ketchup! amaaazing! 

what a nice gesture. and a tasty one, at that. this thanksgiving has gone by quickly. these three weeks have gone by extremely fast. and it isn't until the holidays come 'round where time is seemingly slow. i can only wish i were with my family; overindulging on turkey and ketchup and aunt ann's rolls. oh and pumpkin pie and whip cream. whew. but i most definitely enjoyed our fried chicken we received. these people are insanely kind. no where else would that happen. no where else. 

happy thanksgiving to all. i got a little sentimental and made a little podcast for everyone.

happy day of thanks to you all! and goodnight from korea. 

much love,


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