always a child's dream to ride front row seat on the vespa.
this is amy. amy rice.
this weekend we had a visitor - amy rice. she went to college with sara at wayland, and is teaching in asan. she speaks practically fluent (so i think) korean and how splendid it was to have a translator! we could order what we wanted, buy what we wanted, get to where we wanted. it was almost surreal. needless to say, we had a ball this weekend. so i won't say much else but answer with pictures.
the fish in the left wasn't so lucky. and the fish on the right... has a thumb?? really?? WEIRD!!!! who knew??
i recently have a new obsession - jumpin off of things. this time, i drug amy with me!
we decided we'd show amy our market. what a treat. this place smells of... well... nothing like you can imagine. like i've said before... it makes me ache for the smell of the feedlot back home. not kidding. some moments throughout it my knees go weak and i get an image in my head of what it could possibly be like to be like dorthy and have the power to click my ruby red heals and be somewhere else. whew. anyhow. here is the market today.
these ladies don't mess around. they are awesome. they do this on a daily basis. rubber boots, rubber gloves, big ole' knife in hand ready to gut, scale, or beat any fish you decide you want in your belly.
and this is the dollah store. or you know, the 1,000 won store. right dab in the center of the market. i try to go there as minimal as possibly. i'd rather spend a little more money and have quality lungs and miss out on the beating of the live fish. :(
1. 2
1. amy showin' sara all the goods the market has to offer.
2. this fish committed suicide. i would too if i knew that my future held scaling and being beaten by a wooden bat. rip you little fishy. rip!
1. i loooooved this lady. i named her ethel. she did NOT want her picture taken....i didn't really think she could chase me, though, so i thought i'd take my chances. what a ca-yutie!
2. these were the street ladies. they would blow their whistles like nobody's business anytime someone fouled up in the streets. i had amy beg them to take a picture with me! they were so cute. pretty sure they felt extremely awkward. haha.
and then....
we went to the coast. again. and witnessed how crazy cool Jesus' imagination is.
amy and i found an abandoned boat. we jumped off this one, too. haha.
and last but not least. the left - korean socks are ca-razy here. they have people who sell them in trucks just like the ice cream man. it's insane. so sara bought me a pair of santa socks. since amy had hers on we all decided we'd sport them in a pic. woop! good times connecting.
eating our last meal with amy - until CHRISTMAS!
so. i thought i'd spare your eyes from my usual writing tactics and post pictures instead. this weekend was spectacular. new connections, new friendships. we are actually planning to meat amy in seoul for christmas and hang out for a week or so. what trouble we will most undoubtedly cause! hoo-rah!
also. BOOMER SOONER. atta' boys.
much love from my little apartment. i'm starting to get a bit sad i won't be there for thanksgiving. it only hits me when i think about it, so i do the best i can to not think about it. but dang... eat some turkey and ketchup for me, please!
much love friends. much love.
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