hey bubby...we are old, huh? let's fight
and here goes that idea....

we love our momma!

i decided that this year i wanted an ice cream birthday cake! mom called and they had too many for her to choose from, so i got the duty of going and picking out our cake. only to find out that after i'd put it in the freezer, bub went to look at it and the freezer didn't close all the way.... hence... the following pictures.

disclaimer: it melts!!!

outcome: crap they weren't lying....

kendall and my reaction to our melted ice cream cake....

i love my petey boy! he's so cute! and camera shy for sure.

this is my mother. she's probably, nay she IS the greatest lady alive. and it took about 15 pictures for her to keep her eyes open for a picture. maybe it's old age... who knows. haha. (kidding mom)
however, i've got GAAA-REEAAAT NEWS!!! I HAVE A JOB!!!!! sara and i landed a position at an elementary school in Tongyeong - it's on the south coast and is absolutely beautiful! it's literally the bottom little tip of south korea! i posted a link so you can check out the beautiful abyss of where i will be existing for the following year. check it out. it looks freakin' beautiful! let me say, though, if i get there and the pictures are false advertisement... imma sue 'em! haha. click the link!
trust that i will take about 6000 pictures in the first few months i'm there, so you will get to see how beautiful it really is. tongyeong is about 5 hours from seoul and just a ship ride away from china, japan, taiwan, and thailand! it'll be great! since we have the job already, we are just waiting to get back our criminal background check from austin; where it is being apostilled. after we get all of our paperwork, we will send it to our school and that process will take around 10 days. once we hear back from the school, we will go to the houston embassy and do an interview with them and we will get our visa within a week of that. then it's off to south korea we goooooo!
i've been doing my research on the foods there, and i'm about 84.55612% sure that i'm going to somewhat starve to death. korea is well-known for spicy food... i don't even dare try the salsa at mexican restaurants. so i've decided i'm taking one bag of clothing, and one bag of pure food. i'm still in the investing stage of what to bring, but if you have any ideas, please feel free to share them! ha. right now, though, i'm going to enjoy my american food and sonic happy hour!
speaking of which, i need to get my daily diet docta peppa on!
much love from the 'rillo,
Happy Birthday and Congrats on the new job. Can't wait to see pictures.
P.S. I LOOOVVEE your momma too!!!
when do you go to Korea?
LOVE your pics...and your dog is DARLING! I wish I could get a dog but apartments just aren't dog-happy and I'm not home enough for the little guy to have any fun. I hear my poor neighbors' dog barking 24/7...they don't care, poor guy.
It does look beautiful there. So glad you've finally got some place to go and continue your adventure.
Things you should bring:
Feminine products (their selection here is terrible, and chances are almost 100% that they won't have your brand). Bring at least a year's supply.
Underwear, lots of it. If you're not Korean, you won't fit into their sizes.
Shoes-- You won't fit their shoes here. Guaranteed.
Plug converters-- I have so far been unsuccessful in finding a US to Korean plug, although you can find everything else.
Spices--if you want any particular spices, bring 'em.
Your favorite deodorant brand in a year's supply.
Salt and vinegar chips if they're your thing. I have yet to see them here.
Things you don't need to worry about:
Peanut butter and jelly (they have all the US brands).
Food (you can find similar food here to US brands, but it might take some looking. Mostly though, it's easy to eat the same way you have been).
Umbrella (they are everywhere here, and you WILL need one).
Towels (easy to find and cheaper to buy one than take up the space in your luggage).
Makeup (they have good stuff here, and many US brands too)
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