so. since we have had a lot, and i mean a lot, of down time... yesterday we went exploring and found the dancing lady building. it's quite beautiful. i took a ton of pictures, like always. but if you look, you can actually see the 'man' building gliding the 'woman' building. it's quite beautiful. mmhmm. here dey are.

i love it when he holds me like he does.. la la laaa

and a peak under her skirt. :)
after the dancing lady we made our way to some american food - TGI FRIDAYS! yessss!!! i've been waiting all this time to go there in hopes they would get my favorite meal there (jack daniel sesame chicken strips ---phenomenal!), so we finally went. AND WE HAD FREE WATER!!!! FREE WATER!! did you hear me?? FREE WATER!!! it was a big deal! so i took a picture with our very own pitcher of water... and with my favorite meal!

what a meal! anyhow, afterwards we just walked around and took pictures. i seem to have my camera glued to my face. it's okay, though, i don't mind! these pictures will come in handy when i'm 104 and wanting a reminder of my time in prague.

the czech "doggie bags" are quite different than that of the US....

our handy dandy movie theater!


if at first you don't succeed...try using ski poles. haha.

the last picture is of a place that tries its darndest to take advantage of wee americans. they tried to rip me off...but i fought back. and the results of my fighting back are as follows:

coca lite, baby. coca lite with crazy colored shoes.
so yeah, my life is pretty dull as of late. sara and i are going to the embassy tomorrow to discuss our options on whether or not we need to return home. i'm hoping we don't, but chances are likely we might. and i really wouldn't mind coming home for a few weeks - my birfday is comin' up and i'd really like to spend it with my other half! but yeah, please keep us in your prayers when you think of it. our lives are in the palms of the big man upstairs, so i'm not too worried. i'd just like an answer... ha.
much love from praha,
haha love the ski poles - I actually went to a workshop about walking and physical activity - the walking poles were introduced and how they can help...but they seemed to just get in the way for me, at least!
I wish you guys the best of luck...hope something gets figured out for y'all!
Your pics are great. I hope you get the job you want in the place you want. Isn't it good to know that the Lord is in charge. He won't let us down. I will keep you in my prayers and am certain you will get an answer to your dilema very soon.
Hey! My mom said she came across your blog and has been raving on your pictures and everything...I'm glad to get to have a look myself. Its been so fun reading your blogs and seeing your phenomenal pictures! You have an awesome talent!!! Hope your enjoying your time abroad! Keep in touch :-) Julia
Hey skinny! I had to come visit your site because my mom has been telling me about all these great pic's and posts on your blog. It looks like you are doing great and livin life pretty good!! Take care missy!!
wow, so it seems my sister and I had the same idea!! Ha ha, oh well!!
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