well, well...i am home.
i had meant to update this when i got home, but having been home i've had just enough time to recuperate and eat american food. first chick-fil-a, then sonic... you can guess the rest. it's been delightful. i thought i'd post up some pictures i took the last day/night out in praha. i actually have a link with some of the pictures i took throughout my time in praha, so feel free to check it out.
moving forward - here are some last remembrance pics in prague, czech republic.

these old ladies. they were somethin' else. i outwardly said, "oh me y'all are so cute" and the one on the right gave me a hug just b/c i spoke english! i love old people!!

i decided to experiment with my camera and put it on manual, so each one of these are adjusted iso and aperture - for you photography geeks. ha.

the prague castle at night. BEAUTIFUL!!!! we don't have these sights in the states. ha.

night pictures are fun. people are a lot more respondent in pictures when it's evening, than during the day. granted, they probably can't see me... but hey, it works for me! ha.
now - the following are explorator pictures with movement. i almost got ran over three times by trying to take these... but they were totally worth it! ha.

so that was the last night in praha. i had quite a bit of fun. honestly, i could have stayed and taken pictures all evening. i can't get enough of photography. especially when the results are awesome. i just love it. i think since i am home for a few weeks i'll be doing some photo shoots, so let me know if you or someone you know is wanting something done. i.e. senior portraits, engagements, etc.
on another note, i shall explain why i am home. for those who haven't kept up with my blog (shame, shame, tisk, tisk!), we were, to say the least, caught up in a web of trickery by the school i went to. the certificate we got is good for eastern europe, but not so much for western europe...which is where my beloved italia resides. i think the main guy is in denial that we are calling him out on his bs, as he refuses to address his lies. ha. anyhow, since the options for italia were slimming, we started looking toward asia. at first i was thinking thailand or taiwan, but we decided since we were going to go to asia, we needed to go where we could make the most money...i.e. - south korea. they pay for our flights there and back, all our accommodation, and give us spending money for food. so yes, i will be headed towards south korea here in a few weeks once i get all my visa documents in order. i have everything sent off, so it's just a matter of waiting to hear back from them, and then going for an interview at the korean embassy in houston. (assuming houston is still a city after the whole 'ike' thing. ha.)
so yeah. that's my plan. korea for a year, save up and pay off loans, and then have a set amount to stand/sit/squat/lean or whathaveyou on until i get another job in italia. this way i can buy some time until i get a job in italia, and be okay with not having a job immediately. sounds like i have it all planned out, but i'm literally just hoping to get these papers done and fly to korea ha. obviously, my plans haven't fallen accordingly, but Jesus is pretty sweet on his end of the fulfillment...so i'm not that disquieted about it all.
i am happy to be home for a few weeks. it's nice to see my family and friends, (and my animals!!!) and get to re-pack the necessities. basically, i was out of ketchup. haha. though, i am unsure as to how much ketchup i will need in asia. here i come rice! here i come slimfast! haha. so it'll be good. i'm rapidly getting more and more excited about it all. Jesus' time is everything, and i couldn't be happier with the results of just letting him be the pilot. it's nice, actually.
so that's all i got. nothing inviting or exciting, really. just some last minute pictures and a small update. i will post pictures and stories of these next couple weeks. in the mean time, if you are here in amarillo, please get in contact with me and let's share stories. i have so many to share! praha was an amazing experience... though the people weren't too friendly. if anyone is wanting to listen, i'm definitely wanting to share!
these last two pics are just for fun on the airport/flight home.
just say 'no' to parallel moving escalators.

though i was excited to come home... we didn't get to watch our own movies or be in control of anything. and the stewardists wouldn't leave their station, so i couldn't sneak and get extra goodies. but i did get a sweet red silk eye mask and some free tequila. haha.
good to be home,
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