please watch this video. THIS IS WRITTEN ON MY HEART.
"when the world is falling out from under me
i'll be found in you, STILL STANDING
when the sky rolls up and mountains fall on their knees
when time and space are through
the lyrics to this song are on the bottom, please read them and listen to the song again. you will walk away changed. i would hope, anyway.
on another note, first thing is first: here are some pics from these last few days.
here in the czech republic, we are gangsta. ya feel me dogg?

except for cute old ladies on benches... i wanted to wrap her up and send her home as a gift. what a cutie!
she was my favorite, though. absolutely adorable. i offered her my seat and she refused it. she told me she would stand as long as her old legs allowed her.
these next few pictures are of nusle - a suburb of prague. sara and i took a day trip here and this is what i saw.



1. taekwondo wtf?? just an every day sign here in prague.
2. shoulder cats...they're the new thing here.
3. your average porta potty just chillin' in wenceslas square. they go big or go home!

a street in i.p. pavlova. it's pretty amazing.

the jan and jan memorial outside of the czech museum.
since it was sara's birthday, we decided to actually accomplish a few things that day. first, we went and tracked down the infamous apple stroodle that samantha brown (the incredibly lucky chick who gets paid to travel and talk about it on the travel channel) suggested. since we have been here, this has been on sara's to-do list. however, funny story i thought i'd share on the way. as we were walking up the hill to get to this delectable treat... out of nowhere i suddenly hear the titanic theme being protruded from a piano. i couldn't figure out where it as coming from for a while, but all i could pay attention to was the sound of the keys on the piano being pounded with such velocity that immediately portrayed the climax of the impending song. ahhh, so glorious!! so i started to (loudly, mind you) sing along and the indulge myself in the usual titanic conversation, "don't let go jack! never let go jack!!"(an oscar nominee performance had anyone been paying attention no doubt). but i just thought that strange. walkin' down a czech neighborhood and we hear the titanic theme being played in a piano studio. how awesome. that song has been stuck in my head for two days now, and because of it, i am trying to watch it on youtube. what a lovely day. okay, here are the pics from the dinner...

me and lenny. the photographers of our class.

me and saraaaa.
and finally....

i guard my coca lites with my life. with them and Jesus, everything is okay.
alright, so these past few days have been filled with sending a relentless amount of resumes and emails to schools all over. it seems as though we are going to be in one of three predicaments. they are as follows.
1) we have to come home and get our papers for the work visa. i.e. background check, speak with the embassy.
2) we can start work in october, and then go and have a 'pre-vacation' in italy somewhere before we leave. (otherwise, we would just be staying in prague in a hostel... at least if we go to italia, we can see things and it will be cheaper...and a lot more beautiful!!!(at least to me)
3. (and this is the one we are hoping for) we can get work immediately, once we hear back from a few places. it really all depends on the schools requirements of documents we are expected to have.
so, as you can see, it isn't peaches and cream right now. but, i am a firm believer that things will work out exactly as they are planned. i know that God isn't leaving us out to dry, as he has provided us a place to stay for at least another week. so right now, it is a waiting game. we wait. and we wait. and we cross our fingers and wait. and we pray and cross our fingers and wait. and we wait.
as far as i am concerned... i am still hopeful. i think that's just how my spirit is. i know things are going to be okay, even if it isn't the first place i wanted to go or having gone as quickly as i'd preferred. but i'm fully aware that we will be where we are meant to be if we are patient and wait on the Lord. and right now, that is all i know to do. so i'm reading his Word, praying, mediating, eating peanut butter sandwiches, sending emails, listening to stellar good music and obnoxiously singing along with it..and smiling. genuinely smiling. because i know i'm being taken care of. and that is something i'm afraid far few people can comprehend here. so if nothing else, then i will boast in the fact that Jesus has me in his hands and i am able to rest in the promise that his plans for me are better and wider and brighter and more beautiful than i can even comprehend. b/c he's great like that. Jesus, I mean. and i love him. and being here, if nothing else, has brought me into a new understanding of the greatness and vastness of Jesus. that he is big enough to make the latitudes and longitudes stretch across the entire earth... but he's small enough to hold me in my uncertainty here.
so i leave you with that. that's all i know to say ha. i have been watching reruns of the wonder years, and might i say that whenever we get situated... wherever we get situated... that'd be a great birthday present... (hint, hint). though, if you were to send me anything, it would be another yoda... as the one i brought here was viciously kidnaped and most likely brutally tortured before encountering an unheard of czech death. bless his jedi soul. ha. (if nothing else, i hope you can all see that my imagination hasn't gone, as mom would say, 'hay-wired'!)
love and miss you all,

here i am. double-fisting it on the metro with some coca lites. i tell you, as long as i have them, i am okay. haha. coca lite and JEsus. it gets me through! :) much love from praha!
if you didn't watch the video above, please do so now. the lyrics are written on my heart. they are ingrained there. here they are. listen to the video and read them. let them soak up into your bones. my prayer is that what i feel about this song you too can feel the same - exactly where you are doing whatever it is you are doing.
shadowfeet - brooke fraser
walking, stumbling on these shadowfeet
toward home, a land i've never seen
i am changing: less and less asleep
made of different stuff than when i began
and i have sensed it all along
fast approaching is the day
when the world has fallen out from under me
i'll be found in You, still standing
when the sky rolls up and mountains fall on their knees
when time and space are through
i'll be found in You
there's distraction buzzing in my head
saying in the shadows it's easier to stay
but i've heard rumors of true reality
whispers of a well-lit way
You make all things new
You make all things new
when the world has fallen out from under me
i'll be found in You, still standing
every fear and accusation under my feet
when time and space are through
i'll be found in You.
when time and space are through
i'll be found in You.
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